Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Hotel: Suda Palace 10/1/2550

Jenny and Eric left on the 9th, and we moved over to their hotel, the Suda Palace (, which was much more impressive and much cheaper than ours (Nice Palace). The Suda Palace offers rooms for only 700 THB ($20 US)/night that include A/C, a warm shower and free internet and breakfast. We highly recommend this Bangkok hotel because it is also within walking distance of the sky train, Big C, internet cafes, and a cool bar with outdoor seating and live bands (Tiger bar) is just around the corner.

The cheap and fun ways to travel around Bangkok are the sky train (15-40 THB) and canal boats (13 THB for express boat). Tuk tuks are ok because the fare is often negotiated before travel, but you're breathing in a lot of pollution. Renting a car is expensive and can be scary! Taxis are a pricey and inefficient way to travel. We have experienced/heard about the following problems with the taxi drivers: 1) you're taken to a high priced, lousy place that gives him comission, 2) he "doesn't know" your destination (and must drive around for awhile to find it), 3) he takes the long route, 4) "white man" tax. Even though our meter read 270 THB from the airport to the nice palace (20 min ride), we were charged 400 THB.

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